Friday, October 29, 2010

7 secrets of successful business start

There are seven essential principles and you have to practice as an entrepreneur throughout your business if you want to achieve maximum success. You must pay attention and run seventh that are:

1. Clarity: You must be absolutely clear about who you are and what you want. You need written goals and plans for every part of your life.

Start with your values. What do you believe? What is most important to you in life? What you really care?

What is your vision for yourself and your future? What is your vision for your family and your finances? What is your vision for your career and your company? Even if you start a business, you must have a vision to become a world leader in your field, or you will never succeed.

What is your mission for your business? What do you want to accomplish for your customers? What would you do to improve the lives and work of the people you intend to serve with your products and services? You need a clear vision and an inspiring mission to motivate yourself and others to do the hard work necessary to achieve business success.

What are your goals for your life and your business? This is a big question: What do you really want to do with your life?

Finally, what is your goal? What do you want to accomplish in your financial life? What is the purpose of your family? What are your health goals? Differences what you want to make in the lives of others? And here is the best question: What would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?

A more clear about each of you have this problem - the values, vision, mission, goals and objectives - the more likely that you will achieve something beautiful with your life.

2. Competence: To be truly successful and happy, you have to do the best at what you do. You must make your primary goal of business performance perfect and then dedicate all your energies to doing quality work and offer quality products and services.

To be successful in business, you should find a field that meets three requirements. First, it must have a passion-something you truly believe in and love to do. Second, find a niche where you have the potential to be the best, to be better than 90 percent of the people in that field. Third, it must involve a product or service that can be profitable and enable you to achieve all your financial goals.

According to Harvard Business School, the most valuable asset of a company that can be developed is his reputation. Your reputation is defined as "how do you know your customer." And most important you can have a reputation that ranges in quality products and services you offer and the quality of the people who provide those services and interact with customers.

3. Constraints: Between you and your goals, whatever it is, will always be a constraint or limiting factor. Your ability to identify the most important factor that determines the speed of achieving your business goals is critical to your success.

The 80/20 rule applies to obstacles in your business. Fully 80 percent of the reason that you do not achieve your goals as fast as you want will be in you. Only 20 percent of which will be contained in an external or another person.

What are your constraints? What's holding you back? What determines the speed at which you achieve your goal? And what one thing you can do immedi-ately to begin reducing your main obstacle? This is often the key to rapid progress.

4. Creativity: The essence of a successful business is innovation. It is the ability to find faster, better, cheaper, easier way to produce and deliver products and services.

Fortunately, almost everyone has "the potential for genius." You have the intelligence and ability more than you could ever use. Your job is to unleash the creativity and focus on removing obstacles, solving problems and achieving your goals.

The essence of creativity contained in your ability to solve problems and the inevitable difficulties of business life. Success is the ability to solve problems. And remember: lack of success of achieving goals is a matter that is not solved.

Road successful entrepreneurs is to focus on solutions rather than problems. Focusing on what to do rather than what has happened or who is to blame. Focusing you find a solution for every obstacle that prevents you from sales and profits you want. And the more you think about the solution, the more solutions you would think. You will actually feel yourself getting smarter by focusing all your energy on what you can do to continue to improve your situation.

5. Concentration: Your ability to concentrate the minds of the most important concentration is an important prerequisite for success. No success is possible without the ability to practice continuous concentration on one goal or task, in one direction.

The easiest way to learn to concentrate on is to create a list for each day before you begin. Then prioritize the list by placing the numbers 1 through 10 in the beside each item. Once you've determined your most important task, immediately began working on the task. Discipline yourself to keep working until the job 100 percent complete. When you make a habit of doing this and solve your most important tasks every day, you will get double or triple your productivity and put himself firmly on the road to success.

6. Courage: Winston Churchill once wrote, "Courage is considered a leading right from the virtues, because on it, all people depend." It takes enormous courage to take entrepreneurial risks necessary to become rich. In study after study, experts have concluded it is the courage to take the "first step" that makes all the difference. It is the courage to start toward your goal, without any guarantee of success. Most people do not have this.

Once you have started your entrepreneurial journey, you also need courage to survive, as all great success is a victory of perseverance.

The word entrepreneur means "people doing new business risks in the pursuit of profit." Fully 80 percent of people will never have enough courage to start a new business, to start a new business. You need, first of all, the courage to start, to get out of your comfort zone toward your goals and dreams, even though you know that you will experience many problems, difficulties and temporary setbacks along the road.

Second, you need courage to survive, to hang in there, to survive in the face of all difficulties until you finally win. When you develop the quality of the ability to step out of comfort and then to stand firmly in the face of all difficulties, your success is guaranteed.

7. Sustainable action: the quality of identified people who succeed are that he is constantly moving. Employers are always trying new things and, if they do not work, try something else. It turns out that most entrepreneurs achieve their success in areas completely different from what they expected before. But because they constantly react and respond constructively to change, try new methods, leaving the activity that does not work, fix ourselves from every defeat and tried again, they finally won.

Great people, especially entrepreneurs, have three qualities. First, they learn more things. Second, they try more things. Third, they last longer than others. The good news is that, because the laws of probability, if you learn more things, try more things and last longer, you dramatically increase the likelihood that you will succeed is enormous. If you started toward your goal and finish first to never give up, your success is almost guaranteed.

The award is not limited

The biggest prize of becoming a millionaire is not the amount of money you earn. This is the kind of person you must become a millionaire in the first position.

Have more, you must first than the other. For you to go on the road to riches and become self-made millionaire entrepreneur, you must develop a much higher quality level than you ever did before. You will have to be extraordinary. You will be more than you imagine.

To realize the full potential and achieve all your financial goals in your own business, you must develop the values of integrity, courage and perseverance to a higher level than they are now. You have to practice the quality of clarity, competence, creativity, concentration and continuous action. You must accept full responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you, and especially to your way of thinking in every field.

When you develop these qualities and become completely different people, eventually you will achieve all the goals in your life, including financial success. The best part of being a remarkable is that, if something happens and you lose all of it, will not really matter. Since you have become a different person, you will be able to make it all come back again and much, much faster than before.

Welcome to The road to riches. You will start the great adventure that probably the rest of your working lifetime. However, if you have the courage to initiate and perseverance to survive, no one can hinder you achieve all your goals and dreams.


Taking steps to get your business goals.

1. Determine exactly what you want in life in every place, and write it down. Make your goals clear, specific and measurable.

2. Determine the most important skills you can develop to improve your self-highest position in your field. Then do something immediately to begin to develop that skill.

3. Identify key constraints or limiting factor inside yourself or in the world that you set the speed when you reach the most important goal, and began work on removing obstacles that exist today.

4. Specify one of the biggest problems or obstacles in your business or personal life. Then focus all the time and attention on possible solutions.

5. Make a list of what you want to be, do and have if you do not have limitations and you are absolutely guaranteed success.

6. Accept full responsibility for your life. Starting today, refused to make excuses or blame anyone for anything. Instead, take action to make your goal a reality.

7. Reaffirming the goals and visualize your financial success, vibrant health and personal happiness as realities.

8. Online Binisi Manaj you because somehow no longer indisputable all success comes from a good and proper management.

Email Marketing

1. The recipient gives a Reason to Go

While the Subject field: more precisely the format, it is the single most important line in the entire newsletter. Unless the subject line you must draw your reader's interest, but most of them would often miss the e-mail without opening - even if they know you. Time is short. Questions must be answered is the subject line "What's in It for Me?" How will this benefit the recipients e-mail, or your customer?

I highly recommend personalizing the subject line to include the name of the recipient. I know that some spammers do this. But they do so precisely because of the personalized subject lines dramatically increases the open rate. By looking at your name, then your eyes will stop long enough to consider an e-mail more carefully.

Almost all modern e-mail program allows you to insert fields into your e-mail, but you have to catch your customer's name during the subscription process. Will not ask the name of reducing the number of people who completed the subscription process? But I believe that using the names of people important to the process of building relationships - and that's what e-mail newsletters can be done very well.

2. Consistently identify the sender

When you sort Recipient e-mail inbox - taking out the trash and decide what should be open - they will see two fields: Subject Line and the From: field. If they do not recognize the sender, chances are they will delete e-mails without reading further.

Always make clear from whom the e-mail newsletter or business. Just use e-mail address as the sender is a sign of a beginner. Senders need a person or organization that recognized the recipient. This field should be consistent. Do not switch from one sender to another. What are you trying to do here is to build recognition, so that when recipients see the sender, they will open an e-mail because they had come to assess your content. On the other hand, if you do not really offer value to the recipient, your name will be a reason for deleting e-mails.

3. Choose HTML

You have to choose between format your newsletter in HTML or plain text. Sender newer almost always use HTML - and for good reason.

HTML e-mail offers several advantages:

* E-mail text link to the Double Click.

* Your tracking code can be used in links to help you determine the effectiveness of e-mail that you are offering. These rules make the URL is too long to be displayed in a text newsletter.

* The appeal of readability and reinforced with color, graphics, and font choice. There is a downside here, but I'll discuss in further info.

* Product images and HTML format to make a natural message in item sales.

Text e-mail that offers another advantage:

* The reader is more universal.

* Consistency. Many large corporations routinely change the HTML to protect against viruses, if you want to look exactly as you want, the text is a way that is suitable for use.

* Preferences. Some readers prefer plain text rather than HTML

* Average sending text messages were higher, because the HTML that is open can be considered as spam. For this reason I always send HTML e-mail, combined with text.
In practice, E-mail is best to let your customers choose the format.

4. Using HTML tables, CSS layout not control

The old version uses HTML tables to remove part of a web page, with font tags to indicate the size of the font. A new version of HTML is very dependent on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the layout, colors, and fonts. Webpages usually have links to an online style sheet that controls the entire site. ... To build the first time a bit difficult, but when it works, it's wonderful.

Although all modern browsers support CSS well enough, the e-mail, on the other hand, is all over the map in terms of support. I use the tag at the top of the e-mail to control the font, size, and color.

5. Design page layout carefully

When you put your newsletter, you need to keep a few things:

* Avoid long lines of text that are difficult to read, especially if you have long lines of text of your newsletter. Research has found that the maximum length of text lines should be about 50-55 characters. So, many restrict the width of one line newsletter to incorporate text into a table with fixed width.

* Use a 10pt font type or larger. Make sure at least 10 pt type size that is easy to read.

* Use the column has several advantages. Many designers use two or three column layout. Sebagain example you can see on this website many text columns (cells) with fixed width.

* Avoid an important message in the side column. Web pages and e-mail is a linear medium. People read from top to bottom, rolling until they have finished. Few people will return to the top to read the second column. Side column may contain incidental information, display ads, or just show a pattern or color.

The exception is e-mail that displays several products. They are often displayed in a grid of 3 or 4 columns. People generally will look at it from left to right and continue down until they see all the products.

* Hard to read because the contrast is too low. Pattern background looks so cool! But it is usually more difficult to read. Always use a white or very light background is solid for your text area, with black or dark, so it can be read maximum. Use the colors in the side column to add the design.

* People do not always read their e-mails even though the monitor's width. Therefore it is wise to make your e-mail in a format that is flexible, compressible if someone wants to have a small monitor. Instead of banners, logos along the e-mail, how to extend it's just part and fill the cells in the background with the appropriate color.

6. Use Text to Offer You, Not Graphics

One of the frequent mistakes I see in every e-mail ads are all filled with graphics. What they do not consider is the fact that a large percentage of e-mail that was opened by the users of the web mail where the graphics are automatically blocked by default. Unless you've been using ALT tags on your photos, your recipients do not even know what is supposed to represent graphics.

Use text to convey your core message; use graphics to add a message that support. That way you know that at least your message, your offer, made it through, even if the recipients do not see your graphics.

7. Optimize for File Size Photo

Best Practices for an email newsletter is to optimize each image for the file size as small as possible. Your designer should do this regularly, but many ignore this. Here is a good rule of thumb: If the chart is a photo, use the JPEG image type with the picture quality is low to medium. If the graphic is clip art or a particular font with little gradient, the type of images using GIF, or PNG. GIF image can display up to 256 colors, but the file size will be larger. Reducing the number of colors in the picture as far as you can without degrading picture quality feel. I tried to type 16-32 color photographs if possible. It was to make loading faster graphics.

8. Make a spare but should be interesting see and have a feel for

Create high graphics that do not require a lot of vertical space. The graphics are too high to prevent people from seeing your content. Eliminate the navigation buttons on content that is not absolutely necessary.

Avoid clutter.

The elements of left and right you are usually less effective, so do not put important content there. Instead, use a little color and graphics to create the right atmosphere.

9. The question arises "what benefit is it for me?

It is very important that on the first page were people can see something that interests them. They all ask: what benefit is it for me?

Note: graphics and logos will not grab the reader. Your trademark, if recognized, can cause people to stop for a moment longer and make them tend to be positive about your content, but by itself it will not get people to read the content.

Therefore, make headlines or offers obvious. The title should be offered assistance in understanding or doing anything. Offers you have to appeal to the needs of readers. Remember the question: what benefit is it for me?

10. Realizing the Potential Relationship and Build

e-mail on a regular basis is one of the best build relationships. They can help you develop a strong relationship (although the one hand and virtual) the relationship between you and thousands of readers.

Three ways to build relationships through e-mail newsletters are:

=> Calling people by name. When they subscribe, request the first name. Then use either the first name in the subject line and in his speech that begins your message. Greet someone by first name creates a sense of friendship.

=> Feature your author photo. People associated with the face. When they see your face again and again writers, building a sense of personal recognition that strengthening the relationship.

=> Be Friendly. Writing in first person verb the same tone or "voice" that you might use in writing to a friend. Do not be afraid to share the occasional personal anecdote in one sentence or more. To write personally does not mean you have to wander. Instead you must write clearly and concisely so you do not waste time reader.

11. Supply Full Contact Information

In each newsletter to provide full contact information including physical address and telephone number, if possible. In some cases, could be in say SPAM. But it is also reasonable. When people want to respond to your newsletter, will help them do so immediately.

12. Create an easy to Unsubscribe

I know you do not want to encourage people to unsubscribe, but the customers come and go, that's a fact. In most any country, the law requires an easy way to unsubscribe. If you fail to provide one, although you may not be prosecuted, you will incur the anger of many readers over a period of time and create bad image for your brand.

These are 12 tips that can help you design an e-mail newsletter that effective. Now it's time to practice these tips in your newsletter.

6 Stages of Online business base

Internet Marketing or Online Business is an area that is promising in the business world for most people especially the people of Indonesia was new and still many who do not know how to begin, because so far most of the most popular for online or Internet marketing business is from outside country. It thus is a thought that is not true, it is still at least with an online business activity in this country, this is an opportunity and a great chance for you to start a business online because it is still much land that you can work on from this online business. So how do I to start this online business? Stage stage what needs to be dilakuakan to start this online business? Whether I will explain the basic stage stage business online.

Hopefully with your follow the stages by stages, you will be successful in this online business. You need to know as a spirit for you, that anyone who has a Master's in online business or Internet marketing they use this basic stage stage, and this is the absolute requirements that must be passed to start a business onlie. There are 6 basic steps you need to know and you run inside to start this online business:

1. Think IDE

Pick a Unique Idea and you can develop, because of this idea is the starting point for online business success that the next time you run. Collect as many ideas that later you'll strain yourself. I recommend you develop ideas that would later on, should be the idea that you can most easily mastered and you run but if you want to run a business online with the land that you have not mastered then I suggest you learn first before you memualainya until you really really can and understand the business you run it. If you have a hobby then develop your hobby into a business. If you have found an idea then do the second stage.

2. IDE Research (research).

Once you get an idea, do research on your idea will develop tesebut, you get the idea that it was the same function with the keywords, so do research on your IDE is, how do his research?

a. Target market of the products you produce.

Make your target market, more specifically, targets children if you do, whether adults, whether parents, how his education background, male or perempaunkah lakikah, the more specific the better, because with more specific then the product that you produce will be more optimized and targeted to the market.

b. Peek into your rival.

In the online business is easy peep business rival many of the famous one of the main reconnaissance facilities ie google, you just enter your keywords into the search engine idea will rival your business will appear. Click one by one careful what websites your competitors strengths and weaknesses of your competitors website, then you make Wesite better than your competitors to grab market.

c. Find out how big your target market

This is where the advantages of Online Business, you can find out directly how many people are searching each month, to find out is go to https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal. Enter keywords for your online business then the machine will automatically look for how many people are looking for the keywords you enter it. For example, enter a keyword below my Online Business Information then the result is as shown below. Here google gives the data a month back and the entire previous month.
Here google also provides an equivalent in other words not previously terfikirkan, you should know that each equivalent word that comes out is a different market and this could be another alternative for you, where you will position your product to be marketed later. Fikirkanlah what business you run and check the market here. Sorry I cut out the article here because in order to stabilize the size of the post forward to the next info, Focus and

3. Prepare website content in the form of content

Once you melakuakan by analyzing market research, target market and your competitors, it is time you create content that matches your product later marketed it means content that you create must have a conformity with the product, for example if you want to sell products in the form of baby equipment then adjust your content around the world concerning the baby, do not let the content that you post your side of adjacent premises which make the product because it not only shows your lack professionalan course, the consequences of your target market would not believe the product you are marketed. Be anything sich content? Actually there is a wide body of content that you can make as a decoy target market includes: content may include articles, videos, photos or MP3s.
Selection of this content must also be tailored to your product marketed, for example if you sell the product in the form of photography so it is better if you serve content in the form of sample photo sample shots you this will hit the market more than if you present the content in the form article. In essence the content that you serve should be able to satisfy your visitors. Whatever the content is a basic image of your product.

4. Creating Products

If earlier you make your content then it's time to make the point that your product will sell, products that will provide feed back form an abundant income from the results of your efforts. Once again you need to remember and know, that the product that you make as much as possible should be the product of the most sought-after market. Matter back to the initial step that is the IDE you choose, do your research, as well as Content that you serve, all of this interconnectedness that can not be separated from each other. If you want lasting success of the products you produce, then create a quality product, with quality products, the market will be satisfied with your product marketed and other benefits are greater, the market will always wait for your next product that berualitas product. So the next products will be more easily marketed.

5. Creating Site with Domain name to suit your product.

If it is assumed to offline businesses, sites similar to stall or your area is to sell while the Domain name, Domain name once again here as well as possible should be tailored to the product you are selling or at least get close, this is very IMPORTANT to increase market confidence in your , of course, the market will be very disappointed if you display your store name "Convenience Stores" but the contents of your store only one kind of goods only. This is where the function why Domain names must be adapted to the product. Once you find a site with a domain name that matches the water right now on your site. I suggest look for a quality domain hosting that can provide good security and maintain privacy the owner.

6. Promoted

Once your domain name on air, promote their websites to get visitors, Introduce your product to market and meet as many customers as possible. Similarly, the six basic steps that should be your online business to run. Here are steps you should run the stage one by one, from looking for ideas, research, create content, create products, choose a domain name and menghostingnya then promote. This can not you separate them and you pass stepnya, if you miss one of these stages so your business will not be optimal.

Monday, October 25, 2010


WEB PROMOTION & SEO Marketing in the Era of the Internet for beginners

Because the evolution of the search engine itself that changes the algorithm from time to time. Both will agree with me because google has changed algorthim several times to ensure visitors from search engines to get the best experience while searching for information on search engines. The question is, we write for the visitors (robot) google or write to humans. The combination of the two who would be better.

For example, we aim seasonal keyword "seo for beginners"
How to determine the exact keyword density with that google like the pages of our posts? for those of you participants contest seo keywords seo training for beginners, I try to share seo tips that may be useful for you.

Write at least three or four times and shot him in the keywords your target page. Of course, the amount that is proportional to the amount of text written on the page that will search for the keyword SEO Training For Beginners. If there is a lot of text in our posts then the number of keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' is also increasing.

Interesting to note, from the results of monitoring to optimize the use of this search engine, the best results of the search are shown to have the keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' is repeated on the page. But remember Kick Motor Racing SEO? Do not tread Gas constant there are times over the teeth and stepped on the brakes. If there is a new nyalip moves, and do not get used nyalip from the left ... he he he nyiap ti teu keunging kenca pan.

Keyword Density SEO Training For Beginners is a relative measure of the use of keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' on the page in question.
For example, if a page, there are 100 words, keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' repeated 5 times, the density of the keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' is considered 5%. If the percentage is very low, then the search engines is not high enough to take attention away from the page in question.

Meanwhile, if the number of keywords 'seo training for beginners' is too high, search engines even suspect that the page is considered as one of the behavior of spamming (SPAM), if that happens, the page will be given low ratings.

The optimal value of the density of the keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' must be between 5% -7%, in the same case, you are advised to count the number of keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' and calculate the average density of not too dense also not too loose in your posts.

Keyword Density Use the keyword 'SEO Training For Beginners' in excess of 7% is not positive news for your ranking. The better its strength if the keyword seo well written and not make the repetition of keywords that are not so necessary to, convey as natural as possible.

SEO Optimization for the right keywords will increase your ranking on search engines, although not certain, the time it takes to get top ten positions. It is to be patient, search engine Google to index your pages or not? gregetan sometimes we want to immediately appear and then post the results blindly even counterproductive.

Patience to wait 2-3 days to see results especially if the machine you use is free blog like Blogspot / Blogger, lawyer of pages indexed in post is usually not as fast as the machines free blogs such as WordPress, Blogdetik etc., especially when compared with the domain -paid domain.

It's easy bother Seacrh engine optimization (SEO), there is no harm in us trying. Oks ... Congratulations to compete in the keyword SEO Training For Beginners

First of all, whether it is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In simple terms, SEO can be defined as optimization techniques that are used to boost the ranking of your website to page 1 search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and so forth.
According to Danny Sullivan, a former LA Times reporter who was active in the development world of search engine technology, the term SEO was first used on July 26, 1997 by a spam message posted on Usenet.

The presence of search engine websites (search engines) on the internet, especially Google as the "king" of search engines to date, have helped change the ways and strategies of many companies in marketing and promotion. According to Nielsen / / NetRating, an Internet media research institute, the number of Google users in 2006 alone has reached nearly 2.5 billion, and this number continues to increase dramatically!
That is, millions of people every day around the world use Google to find all the information they need on the Internet, including search for vendors or suppliers of products or service providers who are they needed. It would be very unfortunate if a company does not take advantage of this momentum, but that's where their potential customers are located.

SEO developments in Indonesia itself was encouraging, marked by the emergence of SEO consultants and quite a lot of people who are actually experts in SEO. Many small to medium scale companies who use SEO as their marketing strategy, as it is considered more cost-efficient compared to conventional media campaigns, while the results are very effective. In fact, there are companies that can develop only thanks to Google alone, without other promotional efforts. Extraordinary is not it?

So, in the era of Web 2.0, as now, where Internet users are also increasingly booming, Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing can you make as a marketing channel in bringing new customers to you. Using the services of SEO consultants can help you save time and avoid unnecessary mistakes in raising the position of your website down to the page 1 Google or other search engines.

In this case, to obtain optimal results in serch engines, register it alone is not sufficient in achieving the rankings, it takes manpower and professional expertise to be competitive.
The most effective online promotions at this time is to apply the techniques of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

The purpose of SEO (Web Optimization) is to enhance the natural setting and targeted visitors to your website through SEO is expected to increase visitors to your web so as to achieve increased profit sales / service products on offer in the web itself.
CMS Plaza provides services to promote your website to Search Engines leading to obtain a page rank on web search engine like: Google, Yahoo, MSN.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

are optimization techniques that are used on a blog and website. Search Engine Optimization, often called SEO optimization or SEO are only called in the Indonesian language is defined as a search engine optimization. The objective of this optimization is to optimize your own blog and our website so easily recognized by search engines so that later have quality SERP or Search Engine Result Page nicer.
SEO Optimization is one of the means used to bring traffic or visitors to the website via search engines so you get a flood of visitors from search engines for free, which is based on research from many "top internet marketers" say that a visitor is likely only going to visit the website If you are looking for keywords that are in the Top 10. Try to imagine, if you're looking for something then if you are looking for information to view the first 2, 3, 4 and so on? The answer of course most of the top 10 only until it comes out or just until the bottom of page one just right?

Specific objectives SEO

is placing a web site address at the top (or at least on the first page) search results based on a particular subject. Logically, the address of the site which occupies the top position of search results has a better chance to get visitors.

By using SEO techniques and learn the basic techniques of how search engines work we can make search engines to be diligent in visiting our blog and update data every few days, so that our blog can get into their search engine. SEO is very important in order to compete with blogs and websites your competitors.

SEO for a period up to get Rank

SEO Service needed time to put your website in the top 10 with a specific search keywords, are determined by several factors, for example: how old your site (already indexed search yet, its Page Rank how many), the level of competition with other websites.

For example, if a low level of competition then the time required to do SEO Optimization to achieve top 10 only took 60 days for a range of websites that are running and have a page rank.

For new websites that still require a longer time range of 3-4 months.
If your site has a strict competitor, seo level required will be even longer between 6-12 months depending on the consistency we entered into the optimization.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tips and Tricks Google Adsense

This article is intended for beginners who just want or are creating a site and want to earn extra money from Google Adsense. Google Adsense itself is affliasi program that Google uses to attract webmasters to participate in promoting the Google ads.

Many who tried to join in Google Adsense and some did not / do not approve (approved). In fact they've tried multiple times but still not approve. It seems easy to register with Google Adsense but it turns out many also fail. Here are tips and tricks for your Google Adsense directly approved by Google. Let's get started ...

Before you sign up on Google Adsense, you should have to have an email. Lots of sites offering free email space, such as,,,,, etc.. I recommend that you register your email in gmail only. Loh why? Patience .. Later you will know why ..

Already have an email? Okay we go, the next step is you have to have a blog. Do not have a blog? Since you already have an email in Gmail, please go to and enter your email address and your password (must be the same as you enter in Gmail). Well if you can go to account, immediately replace the template / themes you. Remember! Do not use the templates / themes that standard.
Why do you use a Gmail account to log on You see it already temenan same Google so surely approve deh directly. : P This is why you must create an email in Gmail.

Well, now you have to try to post at least 10 articles. If you are good at writing, please use your imagination and ability to make a post. The topic must be tailored to the theme on your blog. For example your blog to discuss about movies, yes the topic in the post attempted to discuss about movies, movie, vcd, dvd, sinopis, actors and actresses who played in the movie they will be, etc..

If you have a skill, you can make the tips and tricks or tutorials. Suppose you make an article "Tips and Tricks on how to watch movies without paying." Well, this topic is invited curiosity blogger, your blog will surely be visited frequently.

REMEMBER! In order for Google Adsense you approve, use the English language in your article post. If you still insist want to use Indonesian, hehe .. please aja .. but do not blame me if your Google Adsense did not approve.

I can not English. How donk? Easy .. While the first copy and paste from situs2 who use English. But search the same topic so with the theme on your blog.

Already posted at least 10 articles? If so, okay we go again. Now it's time to register on Google Adsense. Click here yes. Then click the Sign up Now.

Enter the address of your site / blog posts on the Website URL.
Website Language, select the Home (my blog pake english .. hehe)
The text below should centangin ya ..
I will from not place ads on sites That include incentives to click on ads.
I will from not place ads on sites That include pornographic content.
Account Type, select the Individual aja.
Country, select Indonesia (if you live in Indonesia)
Payee Name, write your full name lu accordance with the ID card.
Address line 1, write the full address lu accordance with the ID card.
In the Policies column, centangin wrote all of the box.
Check once again all the data that you entered.
If it correct, just click SUBMIT INFORMATION.
Check your email, look for the subject is Google Adsense Email Verification (if not wrong).
Open & click on the validation link that is sent automatically by Google.
Done deh .. You are just waiting for approval from Google Adsense.
Usually 1-2 days. Yes still stuck mentoknya aja wait up to 5 days.

Here are 10 Tips & Tricks Google Adsense :

1. Create unheard Apply Google Adsense (GA) or often rejected apply in adsense, maybe can start by making English-language blog at - Update at least 1 - 2 Weeks apply if the new OK dah GA. This step is the possibility of success of 90% with a record of your site is not illegal site (hackers, porn, download crack) and the like and the site should also be updated frequently

2. We recommend that your site was when Indonesian-English language or mix usually will not get out much of his text-ads-Google, which came out 99% of ad service (can diakalin but violates the TOS - Terms of servises) unless your site has an annual (more than 1-2 years) new ad out that a distinguished Indo mixture can sometimes Indo and can also be British and sometimes get out "advertising service"

3. Do not you ever mencurangin Google because sooner or later you'll get caught, please read the TOS before because every 3-6 months with new provisions would have the day I see more and more complicated ... GA 90% who have certainly been doing well in deliberate fraud or ill, most often cheat would be in the tire, which is rarely the most diperingatin kl advance

4. For those who want to increase site traffic for free can be used by:

- List of all site search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN (do every 2 weeks)
- Sending links / banners with other sites

- Send an e-mail to know-who know only (not spam) or specify a signature in your e-mail
- Use your site's signature when posting in forums
- Mailing lists can sometimes be helpful (do not spam too)
- Update site and make interesting and informative as possible so as to attract incoming
- Do it any way just do not SPAM & non-violation of TOS GA

5. Alternatively you must pay with put banners on other sites, that you think fit with what you promote or plug adword with Google. Never pay traffic sites which promise thousands of visitors because it is only temporary and prohibited by the GA

6. Do you do any spam for promotion because of my own site jg yg hate spam and spam is usually a bad reputation even though the site will increase traffic for a while tp for the long term will have an effect is not good and your site will be on the "blacklist". Do not be someone who sucks because a lot netter Indo already been labeled with a bad reputation on the internet as a netter who like hackers, copyright pirates, deceiving our own people and last but started to like SPAM

7. You can affiliate with clickbank, amazon or any other reply to add your site income. Proper ad placement position, the display site and news is updated frequently can also make you distinct advantage for

8. Should your site have a suffix. Com. Net because if you just blogspot from Google will be very much competition for current and rarely entered the top ten rankings unless you find a unique word for it or your site very informative and news useful given your site for many people. If so take a long time to be in a position above unless you're advertising your site

9. You should have a hobby of writing the article because if your site does not only contain the information taken from the sites of others and your rating will rise slowly even if you take away from other org site and keep you edit and perbagus, please cantumin source of your news as this is code of ethics of journalists. My article on internet too often hijacked by people without putting the source from where. Learn to share and respect fellow netter, if you include a person who likes to plow, well please be reduced and eventually eliminated ...

10. The last thing most important is "never give up" because everybody and I also started from scratch. Everything there is always a beginning. Learn, learn and learning is the key if you want success in this field and I am also still