Friday, October 29, 2010

Email Marketing

1. The recipient gives a Reason to Go

While the Subject field: more precisely the format, it is the single most important line in the entire newsletter. Unless the subject line you must draw your reader's interest, but most of them would often miss the e-mail without opening - even if they know you. Time is short. Questions must be answered is the subject line "What's in It for Me?" How will this benefit the recipients e-mail, or your customer?

I highly recommend personalizing the subject line to include the name of the recipient. I know that some spammers do this. But they do so precisely because of the personalized subject lines dramatically increases the open rate. By looking at your name, then your eyes will stop long enough to consider an e-mail more carefully.

Almost all modern e-mail program allows you to insert fields into your e-mail, but you have to catch your customer's name during the subscription process. Will not ask the name of reducing the number of people who completed the subscription process? But I believe that using the names of people important to the process of building relationships - and that's what e-mail newsletters can be done very well.

2. Consistently identify the sender

When you sort Recipient e-mail inbox - taking out the trash and decide what should be open - they will see two fields: Subject Line and the From: field. If they do not recognize the sender, chances are they will delete e-mails without reading further.

Always make clear from whom the e-mail newsletter or business. Just use e-mail address as the sender is a sign of a beginner. Senders need a person or organization that recognized the recipient. This field should be consistent. Do not switch from one sender to another. What are you trying to do here is to build recognition, so that when recipients see the sender, they will open an e-mail because they had come to assess your content. On the other hand, if you do not really offer value to the recipient, your name will be a reason for deleting e-mails.

3. Choose HTML

You have to choose between format your newsletter in HTML or plain text. Sender newer almost always use HTML - and for good reason.

HTML e-mail offers several advantages:

* E-mail text link to the Double Click.

* Your tracking code can be used in links to help you determine the effectiveness of e-mail that you are offering. These rules make the URL is too long to be displayed in a text newsletter.

* The appeal of readability and reinforced with color, graphics, and font choice. There is a downside here, but I'll discuss in further info.

* Product images and HTML format to make a natural message in item sales.

Text e-mail that offers another advantage:

* The reader is more universal.

* Consistency. Many large corporations routinely change the HTML to protect against viruses, if you want to look exactly as you want, the text is a way that is suitable for use.

* Preferences. Some readers prefer plain text rather than HTML

* Average sending text messages were higher, because the HTML that is open can be considered as spam. For this reason I always send HTML e-mail, combined with text.
In practice, E-mail is best to let your customers choose the format.

4. Using HTML tables, CSS layout not control

The old version uses HTML tables to remove part of a web page, with font tags to indicate the size of the font. A new version of HTML is very dependent on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the layout, colors, and fonts. Webpages usually have links to an online style sheet that controls the entire site. ... To build the first time a bit difficult, but when it works, it's wonderful.

Although all modern browsers support CSS well enough, the e-mail, on the other hand, is all over the map in terms of support. I use the tag at the top of the e-mail to control the font, size, and color.

5. Design page layout carefully

When you put your newsletter, you need to keep a few things:

* Avoid long lines of text that are difficult to read, especially if you have long lines of text of your newsletter. Research has found that the maximum length of text lines should be about 50-55 characters. So, many restrict the width of one line newsletter to incorporate text into a table with fixed width.

* Use a 10pt font type or larger. Make sure at least 10 pt type size that is easy to read.

* Use the column has several advantages. Many designers use two or three column layout. Sebagain example you can see on this website many text columns (cells) with fixed width.

* Avoid an important message in the side column. Web pages and e-mail is a linear medium. People read from top to bottom, rolling until they have finished. Few people will return to the top to read the second column. Side column may contain incidental information, display ads, or just show a pattern or color.

The exception is e-mail that displays several products. They are often displayed in a grid of 3 or 4 columns. People generally will look at it from left to right and continue down until they see all the products.

* Hard to read because the contrast is too low. Pattern background looks so cool! But it is usually more difficult to read. Always use a white or very light background is solid for your text area, with black or dark, so it can be read maximum. Use the colors in the side column to add the design.

* People do not always read their e-mails even though the monitor's width. Therefore it is wise to make your e-mail in a format that is flexible, compressible if someone wants to have a small monitor. Instead of banners, logos along the e-mail, how to extend it's just part and fill the cells in the background with the appropriate color.

6. Use Text to Offer You, Not Graphics

One of the frequent mistakes I see in every e-mail ads are all filled with graphics. What they do not consider is the fact that a large percentage of e-mail that was opened by the users of the web mail where the graphics are automatically blocked by default. Unless you've been using ALT tags on your photos, your recipients do not even know what is supposed to represent graphics.

Use text to convey your core message; use graphics to add a message that support. That way you know that at least your message, your offer, made it through, even if the recipients do not see your graphics.

7. Optimize for File Size Photo

Best Practices for an email newsletter is to optimize each image for the file size as small as possible. Your designer should do this regularly, but many ignore this. Here is a good rule of thumb: If the chart is a photo, use the JPEG image type with the picture quality is low to medium. If the graphic is clip art or a particular font with little gradient, the type of images using GIF, or PNG. GIF image can display up to 256 colors, but the file size will be larger. Reducing the number of colors in the picture as far as you can without degrading picture quality feel. I tried to type 16-32 color photographs if possible. It was to make loading faster graphics.

8. Make a spare but should be interesting see and have a feel for

Create high graphics that do not require a lot of vertical space. The graphics are too high to prevent people from seeing your content. Eliminate the navigation buttons on content that is not absolutely necessary.

Avoid clutter.

The elements of left and right you are usually less effective, so do not put important content there. Instead, use a little color and graphics to create the right atmosphere.

9. The question arises "what benefit is it for me?

It is very important that on the first page were people can see something that interests them. They all ask: what benefit is it for me?

Note: graphics and logos will not grab the reader. Your trademark, if recognized, can cause people to stop for a moment longer and make them tend to be positive about your content, but by itself it will not get people to read the content.

Therefore, make headlines or offers obvious. The title should be offered assistance in understanding or doing anything. Offers you have to appeal to the needs of readers. Remember the question: what benefit is it for me?

10. Realizing the Potential Relationship and Build

e-mail on a regular basis is one of the best build relationships. They can help you develop a strong relationship (although the one hand and virtual) the relationship between you and thousands of readers.

Three ways to build relationships through e-mail newsletters are:

=> Calling people by name. When they subscribe, request the first name. Then use either the first name in the subject line and in his speech that begins your message. Greet someone by first name creates a sense of friendship.

=> Feature your author photo. People associated with the face. When they see your face again and again writers, building a sense of personal recognition that strengthening the relationship.

=> Be Friendly. Writing in first person verb the same tone or "voice" that you might use in writing to a friend. Do not be afraid to share the occasional personal anecdote in one sentence or more. To write personally does not mean you have to wander. Instead you must write clearly and concisely so you do not waste time reader.

11. Supply Full Contact Information

In each newsletter to provide full contact information including physical address and telephone number, if possible. In some cases, could be in say SPAM. But it is also reasonable. When people want to respond to your newsletter, will help them do so immediately.

12. Create an easy to Unsubscribe

I know you do not want to encourage people to unsubscribe, but the customers come and go, that's a fact. In most any country, the law requires an easy way to unsubscribe. If you fail to provide one, although you may not be prosecuted, you will incur the anger of many readers over a period of time and create bad image for your brand.

These are 12 tips that can help you design an e-mail newsletter that effective. Now it's time to practice these tips in your newsletter.

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