Friday, October 29, 2010

6 Stages of Online business base

Internet Marketing or Online Business is an area that is promising in the business world for most people especially the people of Indonesia was new and still many who do not know how to begin, because so far most of the most popular for online or Internet marketing business is from outside country. It thus is a thought that is not true, it is still at least with an online business activity in this country, this is an opportunity and a great chance for you to start a business online because it is still much land that you can work on from this online business. So how do I to start this online business? Stage stage what needs to be dilakuakan to start this online business? Whether I will explain the basic stage stage business online.

Hopefully with your follow the stages by stages, you will be successful in this online business. You need to know as a spirit for you, that anyone who has a Master's in online business or Internet marketing they use this basic stage stage, and this is the absolute requirements that must be passed to start a business onlie. There are 6 basic steps you need to know and you run inside to start this online business:

1. Think IDE

Pick a Unique Idea and you can develop, because of this idea is the starting point for online business success that the next time you run. Collect as many ideas that later you'll strain yourself. I recommend you develop ideas that would later on, should be the idea that you can most easily mastered and you run but if you want to run a business online with the land that you have not mastered then I suggest you learn first before you memualainya until you really really can and understand the business you run it. If you have a hobby then develop your hobby into a business. If you have found an idea then do the second stage.

2. IDE Research (research).

Once you get an idea, do research on your idea will develop tesebut, you get the idea that it was the same function with the keywords, so do research on your IDE is, how do his research?

a. Target market of the products you produce.

Make your target market, more specifically, targets children if you do, whether adults, whether parents, how his education background, male or perempaunkah lakikah, the more specific the better, because with more specific then the product that you produce will be more optimized and targeted to the market.

b. Peek into your rival.

In the online business is easy peep business rival many of the famous one of the main reconnaissance facilities ie google, you just enter your keywords into the search engine idea will rival your business will appear. Click one by one careful what websites your competitors strengths and weaknesses of your competitors website, then you make Wesite better than your competitors to grab market.

c. Find out how big your target market

This is where the advantages of Online Business, you can find out directly how many people are searching each month, to find out is go to https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal. Enter keywords for your online business then the machine will automatically look for how many people are looking for the keywords you enter it. For example, enter a keyword below my Online Business Information then the result is as shown below. Here google gives the data a month back and the entire previous month.
Here google also provides an equivalent in other words not previously terfikirkan, you should know that each equivalent word that comes out is a different market and this could be another alternative for you, where you will position your product to be marketed later. Fikirkanlah what business you run and check the market here. Sorry I cut out the article here because in order to stabilize the size of the post forward to the next info, Focus and

3. Prepare website content in the form of content

Once you melakuakan by analyzing market research, target market and your competitors, it is time you create content that matches your product later marketed it means content that you create must have a conformity with the product, for example if you want to sell products in the form of baby equipment then adjust your content around the world concerning the baby, do not let the content that you post your side of adjacent premises which make the product because it not only shows your lack professionalan course, the consequences of your target market would not believe the product you are marketed. Be anything sich content? Actually there is a wide body of content that you can make as a decoy target market includes: content may include articles, videos, photos or MP3s.
Selection of this content must also be tailored to your product marketed, for example if you sell the product in the form of photography so it is better if you serve content in the form of sample photo sample shots you this will hit the market more than if you present the content in the form article. In essence the content that you serve should be able to satisfy your visitors. Whatever the content is a basic image of your product.

4. Creating Products

If earlier you make your content then it's time to make the point that your product will sell, products that will provide feed back form an abundant income from the results of your efforts. Once again you need to remember and know, that the product that you make as much as possible should be the product of the most sought-after market. Matter back to the initial step that is the IDE you choose, do your research, as well as Content that you serve, all of this interconnectedness that can not be separated from each other. If you want lasting success of the products you produce, then create a quality product, with quality products, the market will be satisfied with your product marketed and other benefits are greater, the market will always wait for your next product that berualitas product. So the next products will be more easily marketed.

5. Creating Site with Domain name to suit your product.

If it is assumed to offline businesses, sites similar to stall or your area is to sell while the Domain name, Domain name once again here as well as possible should be tailored to the product you are selling or at least get close, this is very IMPORTANT to increase market confidence in your , of course, the market will be very disappointed if you display your store name "Convenience Stores" but the contents of your store only one kind of goods only. This is where the function why Domain names must be adapted to the product. Once you find a site with a domain name that matches the water right now on your site. I suggest look for a quality domain hosting that can provide good security and maintain privacy the owner.

6. Promoted

Once your domain name on air, promote their websites to get visitors, Introduce your product to market and meet as many customers as possible. Similarly, the six basic steps that should be your online business to run. Here are steps you should run the stage one by one, from looking for ideas, research, create content, create products, choose a domain name and menghostingnya then promote. This can not you separate them and you pass stepnya, if you miss one of these stages so your business will not be optimal.

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