Thursday, October 21, 2010

10 Tips for a successful e-commerce online store

World E-commerce is one of the most profitable industry to engage them and many people start a business into their own online store or online business. E-commerce site owners often ask "what is necessary for websites to be successful?" There are many factors for success, but here I will discuss the 10 most important factors to be concentrated.

1. Shop front page layout and navigation must be clear of his, in this design can not be ignored.

A user should immediately feel like he or she knows what to do and what he was asked to get to the destination of his choice. Home page e-commerce web site must include the search menu, navigation bar to browse by category, special offers through the rotation of colorful banners as many days, merchandising boxes that work together to offer popular items, security and building confidence in the purchase icons such as contact phone numbers with customer service link, icon experience a safe delivery, select the logo credit card / payment, and the clearance or discount.

2. Significant, could be used, Filterable, and actionable product information.

First, it provides easy navigation to filter and options to compare items. This puts the user is responsible for shopping purposes and to encourage purchase by increasing participation in the selection process. A good amount of content in each section and about each product allows users to learn more about categories, products, your company, and experience one can expect, build consumer trust needed to make a purchase and be happy about his decision.

3. Photos - photos of products is very crucial!

Many users need to see, in good detail, quality products that he would receive. Include a zoom tool so that users can see the detail, even if you think this is not important is a big mistake. If your product warranty or highly recommended, show it to them. Your users will reply to you with confidence through the purchase. Best practices will find the best competitors out there and make sure you have a better site.

4. A Call to Action - Investment in features that will help customers interact with your site and understand your product better.

Investment ideas to some major trends such as an enlarged image, flash, interactive, interactive video, live chat with customer service, professional looking slides that showed a high level of technical proficiency, and so on. The idea here is to provide a user or a customer experience not found elsewhere.

5. Promotional Products on the home page.

If you go to a store is all set the same product? Most disliked. A store whose goal is to encourage viewers to see the many items in a very fashionable and come out to the customer. Many stores forget that suggested cross selling, product reviews, a fragment of the main products, coupons, and each presentation looks interactive. Encouraging viewers to more interaction, and to buy on the spot! In addition, online merchants are now providing web secript very fast devices such as AJAX are now able to gain competitive advantage through increased speed of the site, get customer loyalty and additional revenue.

6. Price - low prices will attract customers.

No matter how the product sold (online or off) the problems your price point, especially on the web next store where only a few clicks or a search query. Research your competitors to ensure you have a chance.

7. Customer Service and Shipping

To help convince customers through the settlement process and offers an indicator. Show a receipt before the order is placed and let the customer change something in the order. Action buttons must be clearly labeled. Often the "place my order" is clearer than "submit" and "search" more clearly than the "go."

Maintain shipping and return policies on the front lines. Free shipping does work, but not necessarily a problem-solver, because not all products have fat margins to subsidize the UPS or USPS. One can handle the shipment in a very impressive offering free shipping, but also up-selling "rush processing" which is not matched the level of the UPS, but at least you can count something. Customers will take these up-selling, pleased that the command will be given priority. Do not forget to give all order confirmation emails, sending emails, and timely delivery. Try to reduce your shipping cost as possible and offer free shipping as much as possible. Free Shipping does work!

8. Search Engine Optimization

E-commerce search engine optimization, the art of moving your website to the top of search engines, more advanced than ever and now a "must" for an e-commerce web site to compete online. One of the web site should come on Google and other engines for search keywords and key terms associated with your website. Keys to Success SEO is search engine friendly web design and development using the text and code search, useful action reports and statistics to prove the work pay off, buy web site traffic through pay per click management or backup like a blog link or advertisement affiliate marketing, social bookmarking ( Twitter, Face Book, Linked In, etc.) and html rewriting for all rail / product details page generated through a dynamic database application (also called an HTML mod rewrite).

9. Marketing and Public Relations,

Arts managing your business reputation through media engagement is often overlooked and very important in e-commerce marketing communications. Map out a plan and make time to execute. The goal here is to build relationships with conventional outlets with a broad audience as a conventional TV and print, but also turned around online for bloggers and other unique, targeted online distribution, just as effective with more measurability than ever before. Is your product tied to a charity or organic, let them know! Furthermore, in the event that something negative should be reported, a strong PR team with good relationships can reduce the damage to your company's reputation.

10. Elevate Brand Tracking Via the User Experience and Evolution Strategies,

Get the Edge with Advanced Customer Service! - The idea is to beat the competitors right? Google Analytics (free) to track your user experience and search engine placement. Reviewing all your competitors' sites to make sure your better features, better your content, you better picture, better service your customers, your delivery strategy is faster and cheaper, more powerful your PR campaigns, newsletters, and coupons you are more easy to reading and finding, and more. A web site can not be left alone for 6 months. A good website is always changing with the market and with the times. Read blogs and online trading magazines to stay on top, combine all the features a user expects that the store continues to edges.

If you follow this e-commerce programming and design standards website, you can create online business presence effectively.

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